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Omg a Baxter fangame I'm excited for the full version

Hey, I got this no compatible downloads were found.

Is there a way around it?

Hi! I'm really sorry you couldn't download it! I've changed the download files to be compatible with PC and Mac! Are you downloading from the app? I hope this helps!

I made an itchio account just to comment i love this sm ty for existing


Thank you thank you!! Thank YOU for playing my fan-game!!

Omg a Baxter fangame! I'm excited for the full version.


Thank you!! I hope I dont keep everyone waiting for too long ><

Loved it! I'm looking forward to play the full version! I can't get enough of Baxter and Cove (And Derek as well, tho the other 2 are my biggest favorites)

Thank you!! I love all the boys as well <3 I hoped to spend more time with Baxter in this silly little way. 

I like your artstyle! I love Baxter very much, so I'm looking forward to the full version


Thank you! Im so happy to hear you like my art style <3 Please stay tuned for more Baxter~

I was curious about something, do you think it will possible in a future to have this even on mobile? (Of course if it isn't possible that's fine, I have a PC so I can download it there, I was just curious to know if that would be a thing)

Hi!! Thanks for the interest! Hmm, I'll go ahead and say Not at the moment/near future. I would really love to port to other devices, but its not very feasible right now, Im sorry >< Perhaps once I get more used to Renpy!! 

No problem! At the end of the day I have a computer I can use to play it but I'm just lazy to turn it on because it have to do with the fact that I have to switch cables from PS to PC, which isn't difficult of course, I'm just lazy and don't use the PC as much as my PS XD

But I will definitely do it to download this because I really like Baxter and getting more moments with him is nice, plus I love Japan a lot so having this Japan inspired date is really cute.

Thank you for this. I love how the decisions you can make feel very similar to your decisions in the original OurLife! Love Baxter's smirk in your style 😊 It would've been extra cool if you could've implemented a few of his voicelines from the game, but I believe that may be illegal haha

Thank you so very much!!! It makes me really happy to hear that, I completely agree with the voice lines thing, but I also agree copyright issues haha! I hope you will stay for the full release of the game <3